On the 14th of September, a workshop was organised by the Poznań University of Economics and Business (PUEB) to discuss the first findings of Work Package 2 of the TWIN SEEDS project.
The WP2 on “Emerging trends of GVCs and MNEs in the pandemic” aims at understanding the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on GVC organization. Ongoing research in WP2 is focusing on highlighting the effects of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to trade relations and GVC in general, and to international production in key strategic sectors such as health, in particular.
As part of Work Package 2, the research studies different aspects and effects during and following the Covid-19 pandemic such as the firm-level organizational changes of GVCs, the vaccine capabilities of the EU, the role and prospects of services trade, trade policy shifts and much more.
This research complements the existing research by offering additional insight into the longer term legacy and effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The final research findings will be accompanied by key policy recommendations.
More information on the research and the final findings of WP2 will be available soon on the TWIN SEEDS website.