September 15, 2024

Disseminating TWIN SEEDS

During the summer of 2024, our partners attended several international conferences where they presented our project and its developments.

30th IIOA Conference - (Santiago de Chile, Chile, 30th June -5 July 2024)

During the conference's special session on the Environmental Impact of Global Value Chain Reconfiguration, several papers were presented. Mateo Ortiz discussed the effects of EU reshoring trends on carbon emissions, while Ángela García-Alaminos explored the impact of international trade on carbon footprints. Jorge E. Zafrilla examined the environmental implications of multinationals' right-sourcing strategies within the EU, and Yolanda Pena-Boquete presented on the environmental consequences of a potential EU-MERCOSUR trade deal for Spain's agri-food industries.

BounCE4ward: circular economy – a recipe for more strategic autonomy? (Brussels, Belgium, 11 June 2024)

The workshop, titled Between Decarbonisation and Derisking: Circular Economy, Strategic Autonomy, and the Road to Net-Zero in the EU-China Green Technology Value Chains, organised by Dr. Małgorzata Jakimów of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, brought together policymakers and academics to discuss the dynamics of Global Value Chains (GVCs) between the EU and China. The event focused on key industries crucial to the green transition. During her presentation, Louise Curran shared insights from our project on EU GVCs, providing valuable perspectives for policymakers aiming to balance openness with strategic autonomy.

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Conference (Limerick, Ireland, 27-29 June 2024)

TWIN SEEDS’ partners from TBS Education presented two papers at the SASE Conference in Limerick in June. The first one, The Impacts of Circular Economy Policies on Global Value Chains: Insights from the French Textile Industry, explored the impact of circular economy policies on French textile firms and global value chains, highlighting the need for stronger European policies. The second one, The effects of circular economy policies on business model innovation: Territorial dynamics in the French textile and construction industries, focused on how these policies influence business model innovation in the French textile and construction industries, revealing promising territorial dynamics in the construction sector.

ERSA - European Regional Science Association Conference (Terceira Island, Portugal, 26-30 August 2024)
AISRe - Italian Regional Science Association Conference (Turin, Italy, 4-6 September 2024)

Our partners from Politecnico di Milano and Università di Milano Bicocca jointly participated in two conferences, where they presented their research titled Global Value Chains Restructuring, Regional Dynamics, and Inequalities, conducted as part of the TWIN SEEDS project. Their presentation highlighted key advancements in understanding the restructuring of GVCs and its effects on regional dynamics and inequalities. This collaboration offered valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities posed by global economic shifts, reinforcing their commitment to innovative and impactful research.

10th SHAIO Input-Output Analysis Conference (Gijón, Spain, 5-6 September 2024)

The GEAR group presented the TWIN SEEDS project and its findings. During the special session on the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impact of Global Value Chain Reconfiguration, three papers were showcased. These included studies on CO2 emissions in Madrid, shifting trade patterns and employment, and the environmental impact of multinationals' technological transfers, with the latter presented by the TWIN SEEDS team from Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.

Our partners are scheduled to attend more conferences in the coming months:

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