Work package 7

WP7 draws on the work undertaken in WPs 1-6 and their key findings in terms of actual and potential shifts in EU GVC as a result of the twin pressures created by geo-political and technological shifts. It will draw, in particular, on the scenarios identified in WP6 on the likely GVC New Normal which is emerging post-COVID. The objective of WP7 is to build on our findings to propose potential internal and external EU policies to support the emergence of a scenario which balances the need to ensure robust and sustainable supply chains, with continued openness and engagement with the EU’s key partners in its neighborhood and beyond.
Lead Partner: TBS
Starting/End date: November 2024 September 2025
Contributors: POLIMI, wiiw, RUG, UCLM, UNIMIB, CBS, AIT, EUR, PUEB,

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